tuhle jsem si četla nějaký e-mailový neweletter co mi přišel a zaujalo mě tam několik prohlášení. Sice se to nijak nevztahuje (aspoň primárně) k mému pobytu tady, ale tak mě to zaujalo, že jsem se rozhodla pár tady uveřejnit.
"Winning isn’t normal. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with winning. It just isn’t the norm. It is highly unusual.
Every race only has one winner. No matter how many people are entered (not to mention all those who tried and failed to make the cuts), only one person (or one relay) wins each event.
Winning is unusual. And as such, it requires unusual action.
In order to win, you must do extraordinary things. You can’t just be one of the crowd. The crowd doesn’t win. You have to be willing to stand out and act differently.
You can’t talk like everyone else. You can’t think like everyone else. You can’t be too willing to join the crowd, to do what is expected, to act in a socially accepted manner, to do what’s “in
se vším naprosto souhlasím a hlavní message: plavat proti proudu, ne nechat se jím unášet a jít s davem ;-)
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